Femme 5 [In Denim], 2021

6 Strand Embroidery Floss, Kancan Denim, On Weavers Cloth


"I find denim very versatile not only as a clothing, but as a medium"

- Delaney Conner



Delaney’s works serve as explorations of geometric abstraction and as studies on color fragmentation in the deconstruction of portraiture, focusing mainly on the female form and facial profiles. By abstracting identifiable features and removing individual characteristics to varying degrees, the artist explores the perception of the female form. Her mission is to create broadly familiar subjects that reflect femininity as part of the whole rather than the individual. To counteract the simplicity of the abstractions, Delaney provides depth through the intricacies of the textures and patterns created within each geometric cell. The highly rigid boundaries of the geometric forms lend themselves well to the intermingling of color as oscillations between light and shadow.





Delaney is a classically trained architect who finds fiber art to be like "painting with textiles". She describes how denim is, "already very textured so it lends itself well to an artist since it calls attention to the fiber already being used within the art". You can see her architectural background shine through her piece as its geometric shapes, shading, and structure all come together to form a silhouette that's unique and masterful in its own sense.  


"[Denim] is already very textured so it lends itself well to an artist since it calls attention to the fiber already being used within the art" - Delaney Conner


Delaney's Kancan X Artists piece is titled Femme 5 [In Denim]. The piece is a portrait of a woman's silhouette, part of her Femme series that exhibits what is left of a portrait when you remove some of its identifiable features and characteristics. Delaney further explains how her art "explores the perception of the female form". She also notes that including denim in her piece was interesting as it, "becomes sort of a metaphor for something that we wear as becoming a part of how we define ourselves".

 "When you strip a portrait of a lot of identifiable features and characteristics, it becomes more of a mental exercise on how we're perceiving these women." - Delaney Conner


Website: delaneyconnerdesign.com

Instagram: @_dc.design_

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